att.Ryokan & Resorts

Villa La Shoro

Fully enjoy first-class privacy.

Within the private space of each 396 sq.m. (4260 sq.ft.) independent facility you will find wi have prepared 99 sq.m. (1065 sq.ft.) guest rooms, constant flowing rotenburo outdoor baths, private pools, and exclusive Jacuzzies. Relax in the unbound harmonic fusion of peace with the best of Asia.

Within the private space of each 396 sq.m. (4260 sq.ft.) independent facility you will find wi have prepared 99 sq.m. (1065 sq.ft.) guest rooms, constant flowing rotenburo outdoor baths, private pools, and exclusive Jacuzzies. Relax in the unbound harmonic fusion of peace with the best of Asia.

Address1179 Nishi-cho, Kamogawa City, Chiba
Check-in time15:00
Check-out time11:00
Price (reference price)From 36,870 yen
Credit cards accepted Onsen (hot springs) Open-air bath Some rooms with onsen Some rooms with bath and toilet Eating in guest rooms (some plans) Wi-Fi available Washlets (bidet-style toilets)

Notice: The information on this website such as prices, requirements, and images are provided for reference. Actual conditions may depend on seasons and grades. Please contact each facility for latest details.
